What's happening to us? The Remarkable 2, Obsedian, The Brain, Moleskine Balance and blending analogue and digital
In this episode we talk about what's happening to us - as we find digital tooling becoming more important in our stationery world. We talk about the Remarkable 2, Moleskine balance and how we are still stationery freaks! And Rob is retooling his knowledge management and Helen learned nothing about herself, despite sticker journaling for a few weeks.
We cover:
- Woolsthorpe manor, where Isaac Newton saw the apple fall - and the fact you can buy pens made from the very tree that Newton saw the apple fall from
- Rob's bought a Remarkable - will he send it back?
- Rob's doing a workshop in Romania - and has bought hundreds of stickers for an immersive workshop
- Helen's been using the Moleskine Balance app to track habits, mood etc. The interface is calming and clean - she is enjoying
- Helen is using Bullet Journaling more for work than personal - due to working from home more often and "closing down the day"
- Rob's been researching tooling for a Personal Knowledge Management System - and was spending more time fiddling with the system than learning. Helen is using Obsidian, Rob uninstalled it after 10 minutes.
- Rob talks about The Brain as a PKMS. It's an awesome tool - but pricey, and would require a big on-going financial investment.
- Helen has been sticker journaling about her mood and energy levels, and tracking this using stickers. What did she learn about herself? Absolutely nothing by all accounts. Zero insights. Nothing. Nada
- Rob talks about using Zotero and the Remarkable as his new PKMS
- Rob talks through why he's bought the Remarkable 2, and how it fits into his ecosystem of learning and note taking. At the moment, he's keeping it, but there is a 100 day returns promise
- Helen's not convinced about the Remarkable. Truth be told, Rob isn't either.
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