The dichotomy of minimalism and stationery buying - The Stationery Freaks (Advent calendar) - Day 9
Day 9 of Stationery Freaks Christmas Advent. In today's episode we chat about the dichotomy of trying to be more minimalist whilst still being addicted to stationery goodness
In today's episode we cover:
* How we got interested in minimalism
* Courtney Carver's project 333
* The Minimalists - Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
* Stationery Freak -> Someone who tells themselves they can walk past a stationery shop without going in, but they cannot
* How lockdowns have stopped impulse buying from stationery stores
* Helen's Etsy habit
* Maria Kondo
* Sort your life out with Stacey Solomon (and why visualising everything in a warehouse is so clever)
* Why emptying a cupboard and throwing stuff away is so cathartic
* Two recommendations
- Courtney Carver's project 333
- Fumio Sasaki's "Goodbye Things" book (affiliate link)
The challenge -> Pick one cupboard or drawer, empty it and discard that which doesn't spark joy
* Courtney Carver's project 333
* The Minimalists - Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
* Stationery Freak -> Someone who tells themselves they can walk past a stationery shop without going in, but they cannot
* How lockdowns have stopped impulse buying from stationery stores
* Helen's Etsy habit
* Maria Kondo
* Sort your life out with Stacey Solomon (and why visualising everything in a warehouse is so clever)
* Why emptying a cupboard and throwing stuff away is so cathartic
* Two recommendations
- Courtney Carver's project 333
- Fumio Sasaki's "Goodbye Things" book (affiliate link)
The challenge -> Pick one cupboard or drawer, empty it and discard that which doesn't spark joy